Monday, July 22, 2013

The Only Three Questions That Count - Investing by Knowing What Others Don't - Ken Fisher

The Only Three Questions That Count
The Only Three Questions That Count

This book originally sprang from interactions between literary agent Jeff
Herman and me. Jeff was eager for me to do a book since I hadn’t done
one in so many years. I had the concept but wasn’t keen on the energy and
time commitment necessary to complete a work of this size. Having done
three books before I knew it would be a lot of work. Jeff kept at me, persuading
me he would sell my book and publishers would receive it well and others
would help me. He provided a lot of motivation. Many would tell you he is the
best book agent in America today and I don’t disagree. If you’re thinking of
writing a book, I encourage you to read his books: Write the Perfect Book Proposal:
10 That Sold and Why, and Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors,
& Literary Agents, 2007. He really is as good as it gets.
Then I recruited Lara Hoffmans and Jennifer Chou. Lara had been an investment
counselor in my firm’s client services group dispensing advice to
more than 100 clients having had a prior background in the industry. But before
that she had a background in writing. Jennifer had worked for seven
years in our research group primarily doing capital markets research for
either me or Andrew Teufel. We came to terms. Jennifer would be responsible
for the data and visuals and fact checking and Lara would rough out the book.
Working from meetings discussing what we would cover, we created an outline
that point by point and item by item Lara turned into a very rough draft
while Jennifer started cranking out data. Then I started editing and changing.
After an edit Lara would clean it up, edit my edits, and we would look at
it again.
But the data burden was too great. There is a mass of data in this book and
statistics behind the data. And a lot of visuals—120 in all—and all data-laden.

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