Sunday, July 21, 2013

Enhancing Trader Performance - Proven Strategies From The Cutting Edge Of Trading Psychology - Brett Steenbarger

Enhancing Trader Performance - Proven Strategies From The Cutting Edge Of Trading Psychology - Brett Steenbarge

This is a book forged from storms and tempests. Roughly one year
after the publication of The Psychology of Trading, I left the protected
world of academic medicine to tackle the rough-and-tumble
world of proprietary trading in Chicago. Gone were orderly therapy sessions
in my Syracuse office. Now my day started at 4:05 A.M. and proceeded
into evenings: a steady blur of tracking overseas markets, updating
research, commuting into the city, moving from office to office to help
traders as they traded, and then returning home to prepare for the next
trading session. If The Psychology of Trading was my view from the ivory
tower—my integration of academic psychology and practical trading—
Enhancing Trader Performance is my perspective from the trenches. And
quite a view it has been . . .

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