New Trading Dimensions How To Profit From Chaos In Stocks Bonds And Commodities |
You are standing in the airport terminal of Your Life, and the jet plane departing for the 21st
century is about to take off. You must make a choice: Do you remain in the terminal, eating
the stale vending-machine food of outmoded thinking? Or do you get on the plane and soar
into the stratosphere of trading computerization, swept along by the jet stream of evolving
technology? Do you enjoy the in-flight snack of virtually unlimited information access, secure
in the knowledge that when you encounter the inevitable turbulence of rapid market
fluctuations, you are holding, in this book, the "automatic pilot" of expert advice and
guidance? That is the vision of tomorrow that I am offering you. Let's explore together this
amazing new cyberworld of science and trading. If you don't know about these latest advances
in science and trading, have no fear. I'm not going to bombard you with technical
gobbledygook. I'm going to present you with simple, practical, well-organized, easy-tounderstand
information and guidance. If you are ready to travel to places you have never been
before, let's queue up. Our goal in this chapter is to understand how our personal biases
determine whether we become consistent winners or chronic losers. If you are a type A++
trader, you may be tempted to go directly to Chapter Three and begin to use our energetic and
trading dimensions immediately. Instead, I recommend that you study this material from the
beginning. I believe that understanding the underlying structure of trading is imperative if you
hope to reach your potential in trading for profits. Let's begin our journey of understanding by
looking at one of the most important underlying aspects of all markets—and, actually, of any
endeavor we select.
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