Monday, July 22, 2013

How to Make Money in Alternative Investments - Hubert Bromma, Lisa Moren Bromma

How to Make Money in Alternative Investments
How to Make Money in Alternative Investments

Have you lost money in the stock market? Who hasn’t?
Especially since the Dow Jones Industrial Average
plunged 5,000 points and almost 40 percent in 2008. Has
your home or other real estate dropped in value from the
heyday of just a few years ago? Are you watching your retirement
funds disappear, just when you’re getting to an age
when you’ll need that money most, if you don’t already?
If you’re like many Americans, the answer to all these
questions is unfortunately a horrifying yes. If you’re wondering
what you can do now, this book is for you because
the stock market is not the only way to invest, and you don’t
need to limit yourself to traditional investments in stocks,
bonds, and mutual funds....

Download Ebook:

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