Monday, July 22, 2013

How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange - A Guaranteed Income for Life - Courtney Smith (2010) A7(marked)
How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange -  

Trading foreign exchange (forex) is one of the most exciting and potentially
lucrative activities in the world. Yet about 90 percent of traders
lose money. This book is designed to create profitable traders.
Can you make a living trading forex?
And no.
Let me explain.
It is common wisdom that about 90 percent of traders lose money trading
forex, about 5 percent break even, and about 5 percent make money.
I have not seen any scientific evidence that this is true but I have talked
to senior executives at brokerage houses and they tell me that this is a
rough guide to what happens to traders. My own experience as a senior executive
in the futures and options industry also confirms the same dreary

Download Ebook:

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