Monday, July 22, 2013

Making Money in Forex - Trade Like a Pro Without Giving Up Your Day Job - Ryan O'Keefe

Making Money in Forex - Trade Like a Pro Without Giving Up
Making Money in Forex - Trade Like a Pro Without Giving Up

When I was introduced to trading, the Internet was young, charts
connected directly to data providers via dial-up modem, and
trades were placed over the telephone. I met a currency futures
trader who introduced me to the market and taught me some basic technical
analysis techniques, and I was hooked. I decided to focus on offexchange
spot currency trading versus futures for reasons I’ll discuss in
Chapter 1. In those days, $100,000 lots and account minimums created a
problem for me. I was 17 years old, just graduating high school, and I was
broke. I needed to raise trading capital, so I did what any technology-savvy
high school graduate did during the Internet boom: I joined the revolution.
I began trading while I worked full-time and sought help from my local
book store. I found a plethora of books focused on day trading but nothing
that helped me navigate the 24-hour currency market around my day
job. These books were written by people who claimed to trade full-time or
Wall Street types who spent their entire day glued to a chart. Their methods
depended on the volatility offered by active trading sessions and were
completely useless to me. I lived in the Central Time Zone, so I was asleep
while London traded and at work while New York traded. I tried staying
up late and getting up early, and I even tried trading via a mobile device,
but ultimately short-term trading wasn’t a sustainable solution for me. Day
trading may have sex appeal—promising Learjets, Lamborghinis, and limited
work weeks—but day trading isn’t an option for someone who is stuck
in a staff meeting when the market is roaring

Download Ebook:

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