Saturday, July 20, 2013

Candlesticks Fibonacci and Chart Pattern Trading Tools - Robert Fischer (2003) A2 Ebook

Candlesticks Fibonacci and Chart Pattern Trading Tools

Many investors are unhappy with the performance of investment advisors
and funds in the past couple of years and want to make their
own trading decisions, using the analytic tools and the advice they
have accumulated. This book presents easy, reliable trading tools, together
with the trading rules to apply them to real-time trading.
Many investment strategies have been presented in books, market
letters, and other media. In this book, we describe those tools that
appear to work best, and we integrate them into a manageable and
understandable trading strategy. Combining different strategies correctly
can improve every investor’s chances of success under different
market conditions. Most importantly, we concentrate on strategies
that every experienced investor can easily understand and execute
with the WINPHI charting program that is provided on a CD-ROM at
the end of this book

Download Ebook:

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